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Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2019
How One Billionaire Could Keep Three Countries Hooked on Coal for Decades By  Somini Sengupta ,  Jacqueline Williams  and  Aruna Chandrasekhar Aug. 15, 2019 Want climate news in your inbox?  Sign up here for  Climate Fwd: , our email newsletter. SYDNEY, Australia — The vast, untapped coal reserve in northeastern Australia had for years been the object of desire for the Indian industrial giant Adani. In June, when the Australian authorities  granted the company approval  to extract coal from the reserve, they weren’t just rewarding its lobbying and politicking, they were also opening the door for Adani to realize its grand plan for a coal supply chain that stretches across three countries. Coal from the Australian operation, known as the Carmichaelproject, would be transported to India, where the company is  building a new  power plant for nearly $2 billion  to produce electricity. That power would be sold next door in Bangladesh. Adani’s victory in Australia hel